Reverse Engineering & Malware Analysis in 21 Hours REMAC+

Reverse Engineering & Malware Analysis in 21 Hours REMAC+

Reverse Engineering & Malware Analysis in 21 Hours  REMAC+

Welcome to a best online learning experience that delves deep into the fascinating world of reverse engineering and malware analysis.
In this comprehensive course, you’ll embark on a journey that unravels the complexities of software, empowering you to decode its inner workings, uncover vulnerabilities, and fortify digital defenses. Join us in “Mastering Reverse Engineering and Malware Analysis” to acquire the skills needed to navigate the digital landscape with confidence and expertise.

Why is Reverse Engineering and Malware Analysis Essential?
In the digital age, where technology governs every facet of our lives, the significance of reverse engineering and malware analysis cannot be overstated. Here’s why mastering these skills is paramount:
1. Digital Defense Mastery:
The cyber landscape is riddled with threats, from sophisticated malware to intricate hacking techniques. By mastering reverse engineering and malware analysis, you empower yourself to uncover vulnerabilities and proactively defend against potential attacks. Your ability to dissect and understand malicious code allows you to devise robust countermeasures that thwart cybercriminals’ efforts.
2. Innovate with Confidence:
Reverse engineering transcends mere analysis; it’s also a tool for innovation. By studying existing software, you can extract insights, identify best practices, and develop enhanced versions or entirely new solutions. This process enables you to create innovative software, saving time and effort by building upon existing foundations.
3. Strengthen Software Security:
Malware analysis is your armor against cyber threats. As cybercriminals devise increasingly sophisticated attacks, understanding their tactics is crucial for developing effective defense mechanisms. By studying malware behavior, you gain the insights needed to prevent future threats, ensuring the safety of sensitive data and digital operations.
4. Unlock Career Opportunities:
In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, professionals with reverse engineering and malware analysis skills are in high demand. Organizations across industries seek experts who can safeguard their digital assets, analyze software for vulnerabilities, and contribute to the development of secure, cutting-edge solutions. Mastering these skills opens doors to lucrative career opportunities in cybersecurity, software development, and more.
5. Empower Ethical Hacking:
Ethical hacking leverages the knowledge gained from reverse engineering to identify vulnerabilities in systems and networks. This practice helps organizations identify weak points before malicious actors exploit them. By mastering reverse engineering, you become an asset in ethical hacking, contributing to the protection of digital infrastructure.
What you’ll learn
• Exploring the preprocessing stage’s significance in binary analysis.
• Comprehensive analysis of binaries and the four stages of compilation.
• In-depth understanding of the linking phase’s role in binary analysis.
• Demystifying the complexities of the assembly phase in binary analysis.
• Mastering the art of opening projects in Ghidra for efficient workflow.
• Discovering the vast features and capabilities of Ghidra for effective analysis.
• Exploring ELF fields in Linux to grasp the intricacies of the format.
• In-depth exploration of the Executable and Linkable Format (ELF) and its executable header.
• Understanding ELF program header fields and their significance in Linux.
• Understanding Linux commands and pipes.
• Exploring different Linux commands and their usage with pipes.
• Introduction to the Linux terminal and its key concepts.
• Finding helpful manuals and resources for Linux.
• Understanding Linux directories and their organization.
• Understanding the Linux shell and its role in interacting with the system.
• Working with the LS command to list directory contents.
• Understanding the difference between relative and absolute pathnames.
• Filtering LS output based on specific criteria.
• Introduction to shell and expansion in Linux.
• Manipulating files and directories in Linux.
• Working with symbolic and hard link files.
• Utilizing tab auto-completion for faster command entry.
• Copying files and directories using the CP command.
• Networking with Linux and its various tools and commands.
• Working with the Traceroute (Trcrt) command for network diagnostics.
• Two networks communicating with a router in the middle.
• Inheritance and polymorphism
• File input and output operations in C++
• Dynamic memory allocation in C++
• Recursion and backtracking in C++
• Multi-threading and concurrency in C++
• Debugging and error handling techniques in C++
• Performance optimization techniques in C++