
#RedHat Exam 9.2 Lab: Comprehensive Review

#RedHat Exam 9.2 Lab: Comprehensive Review

Nama: Fauzan Al Adima
Kelas: XII TKJ.1

Lab: Comprehensive Review
Deploy a social media application consisting of multiple containerized components:
A PostgreSQL database
A Spring Boot API
A React UI hosted with NGINX

Use what you have learned throughout this course to create and start a set of containers that host the application and its resources. The Beeper application consists of a UI and an API. The API uses a PostgreSQL database to persist user messages.


You should be able to:
Run a container from a public image.
Manage a container’s lifecycle.
Build efficient container images.
Create and publish container images.
Manage container communication and Podman networking.
Troubleshoot containers.
Use container storage.

As the student user on the workstation machine, use the lab start command to prepare your system for this exercise.
This command copies the application source code to the workstation and checks that Podman has access to the required images.
The lab script continuously evaluates the objectives of this lab. Keep the script running in a terminal window, and complete the objectives of this lab from a new terminal window.
After each objective, return to the lab script evaluation to see if you have finished the objective successfully. When you finish the objectives, the lab command prompts you to execute the finish function.

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