
AI Is The Future: Will You Be In That Future | Creativity Roots

AI Is The Future: Will You Be In That Future | Creativity Roots

The fear of new technologies replacing human labour has indeed been a constant throughout history, from the invention of the printing press to the Industrial Revolution and now with the advent of AI. These concerns about mass unemployment and the potential dominance of sentient machines are understandable, as technological advancements have often disrupted traditional job markets and reshaped societies. However, it is essential to approach these prognostications with a balanced perspective.

While concerns about job displacement and the dominance of AI are valid, history has shown that new technologies also create new opportunities. It is important to approach these developments with a balanced perspective, focusing on upskilling the workforce, adapting to changing demands, and fostering collaboration between humans and AI systems. Responsible development and ethical considerations should guide our approach to AI, ensuring its potential benefits are harnessed while minimising potential negative impacts.

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At the beginning of the episode, the talking android is an animation based on the female droid called Mel, featured in the film Metropolis, considered the first science fiction movie ever made. Directed by Fritz Lang and released in 1927, Metropolis is a groundbreaking film that introduced many elements and themes that would become staples of the science fiction genre. Its futuristic setting, advanced technology, and exploration of social and technological issues made it a landmark film in the history of science fiction cinema.

Watch the documentary “Who Invented A.I.? – The Pioneers of Our Future” by Cold Fusion

The last clip in this episode was based on my original prompt and generated by AI on https://invideo.io/
If you are curious about the prompt used you can leave a comment asking for it.

Creativity Roots is a channel dedicated to the research, promotion and development of creativity from a scientific, pragmatic and practical perspective. From the neuro-psychological mechanics of the creative process to the social, cultural and anthropologic factors that influence our natural creative abilities.

Produced and hosted by Ronald Paredes

Creativity Roots Podcast: https://creativityroots.com
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