
LinkedIn Live: Empowering Diversity in the Go Community

LinkedIn Live: Empowering Diversity in the Go Community

🌟 Discover the Power of Diversity in the Go (Golang) Community!

In this LinkedIn Live session hosted by Understanding Recruitment, we’re excited to delve into a pivotal topic in the tech realm – diversity and inclusion. Our session shines a spotlight on the transformative Women Who Go initiative and its profound influence on the Go community.

πŸŽ™οΈ Meet Our Speakers:

πŸ‘€ Leo Sparkes – Head of Golang Recruitment at Understanding Recruitment
πŸ‘€ Anna Heneghan – Head of AI & ML Recruitment at Understanding Recruitment

πŸ‘₯ Special Guests:

πŸ‘©β€πŸ’Ό Alice Cheung – Engineering Manager at Thriva Health
πŸ‘©β€πŸ”¬ Teea Alarto – Senior Golang Engineer at Curve

Despite the remarkable growth of the Go programming language, the representation of women within the Go community lags behind, making up only 2-5% of its members – a statistic significantly below the industry standard of 15-20%. However, winds of change are blowing, and Women Who Go is leading the charge.

πŸ’‘ About Women Who Go:

Women Who Go stands as a global force, empowering women to engage, learn, and contribute to the Go community. They host workshops and events that empower women to excel in the world of Go programming. By nurturing mentorship, knowledge exchange, and networking, Women Who Go is spearheading efforts to augment gender diversity within the Go community.

πŸ”— Learn More about Women Who Go:
Explore their initiatives on their LinkedIn page or visit the Women Who Go website.


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