NixOS: Learning to build (aND dESTROY!) with Nix

NixOS: Learning to build (aND dESTROY!) with Nix

NixOS: Learning to build (aND dESTROY!) with Nix

00:00 Installing NixOS
03:05 First NixOS Boot!
04:41 Editing configuration.nix
11:30 nixos-rebuild – Build the system!
16:21 NixOS Channels
17:55 nix-shell – Installing software in a shell
19:36 nix-env – Installing software in the environment
21:48 nix-collect-garbage – Deleting old generations
22:39 /nix/store – How NixOS stores packages
23:56 Removing Profiles/Builds
26:18 Rebuilding a NixOS setup w/ configuration.nix
28:39 Nothing lost, nothing gained… bye-bye!

TecHeart takes a deeper dive into NixOS. We’ll learn how to build a declarative NixOS system with configuration.nix, and how to install packages to the shell or user space with other Nix commands…

After we create a good system, we’ll BLOW IT UP and show the power of NixOS to rebuild systems on other hardware… this will begin to show you the power of NixOS and how you can use it across all of your machines to quickly bring up Linux setups.