#00 – PHP Advanced Debugging With Xdebug- PHP Advanced Debugging

#00 – PHP Advanced Debugging With Xdebug- PHP Advanced Debugging

#00 - PHP Advanced Debugging With Xdebug- PHP  Advanced Debugging

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Debugging has a basic need in dealing with any programming language because it enables you to search and solve bugs in the code quickly and efficiently
In PHP, which is one of the most popular languages ​​used in the web world, debugging is a very important need because the bugs in PHP will not be visible unless you run the code because it is a scripting language.
And PHP gives you the ability to dump and stop the code at a certain moment using the debugging statements
Like var_dump, die, dd, or even Echo

But debugging at this level is the primitive level in the debugging process, and it does not help at all that you remain a programmer, no matter how big or small your experience is, that you deal with the process of debugging in this primitive way, which wastes a lot of time and effort to solve the problem or even know where the problem is, and this is also possible. In the code, but what if you have a bug in the performance, whether in time or in memory

And because of that, this course will introduce you to the professional level in debugging, through which you will be able to learn how to become a professional in using the most important and best debugger in the PHP world, which is the Xdebug, which you can use with any PHP code, whether it is a native or a PHP framework such as Symofine, Larval or Any other work frame

Xdebug is a php extension that enables you to do many things, the first and most important of which is
You completely forget to deal with the var dump, die and raise your level to the level of professionals and do step debugging using your IdE like PHPStorm and Vs code, which will let you stop the execution in a certain line and you can see and know everything in the context
Like the variables, and their values, the call stacks, the conditions and others, and its time, you can easily know where the bug is and solve it quickly

In addition to the profile in xdebug, you can use the trace, which will give you the details of all the questions in your code.
Like, for example, how many times have you called her? Argomentz? What kind of return did you buy her? And yes, every function took a long time, and memory took a long time to finish her job.
With all these details, you can know all the problems and bugs in your code, and not just a code, but also performers icons, whether they are in time or memory

And change the xdebug, you can make a profile for your code, and you have a lot of details about the request
You can use specific programs to display and visualize it, which will give you the ability to see all the details of what happens in the project, whether it is an execution map or the time and memory of each part of your code
You can also with xdebug, PHPUnit know the coverage of your code
This enables you to know the percentage of the code covered by the test cases in detail at the level of the class or function or even every line in your code and then you can know where are the parts you want to supply the test in and also raise the quality of your code