
DOS Web Browsing in 2017 | Nostalgia Nerd

DOS Web Browsing in 2017 | Nostalgia Nerd

DOS Web Browsers (some people call them DOS Internet Browsers, those philistines)… now that’s a term I didn’t hear much in the 90s. After all, there was no need. A GUI such as Windows offered the perfect platform for web browsing and so using DOS to “surf the web” seemed nonsensical. However, there are various web browsers for DOS and I’m doing to demonstrate 3 to you, right now, in this video. Along with some other crap.

I also briefly explain how to connect to the internet via DOS, in a virtual machine. I’ll update this description with some details asap, but in the mean time, here’s a great guide for installing MS-DOS to VMWARE and getting it on the internet… https://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?t=63059

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Lumix G6 with Vario 14-42mm Lens
Nikon D3200 with 40mm Macro
Corel Video Studio Ultimate X9
Corel Paint Shop Pro X6
Blue Snowball Microphone

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