
JavaScript Debugging: Use typeof to Check the Type of a Variable | FreeCodeCamp

JavaScript Debugging: Use typeof to Check the Type of a Variable | FreeCodeCamp

🍂 **”Whispers of the Variable Winds: The Sacred Art of ‘typeof'”** 🍁

🔗Lesson Link: https://www.freecodecamp.org/learn/javascript-algorithms-and-data-structures/debugging/use-typeof-to-check-the-type-of-a-variable
🔗Course Playlist Link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLktFju7xyBzRD4oUz4mhvaCtIFbi6KofX

In the enchanted forest of JavaScript, there’s an ancient rite, a sacred song known as `typeof`. It’s a gentle whisper that beckons variables to reveal their true nature. Amid the ever-changing foliage, amidst the symphony of codes, it becomes paramount to distinguish the rustle of a leaf (a string) from the song of the wind (a number).

🌳 **The Dance of Identities**:

Amidst our digital woodland, variables wear many cloaks. Some shimmer as numbers, while others resonate as strings. There are those who gather as arrays, yet resonate as objects. But fear not, with the incantation of `typeof`, their true essence is unveiled.

Examples from Ancient Scrolls 📜:
– Echo of the Empty Voice: `console.log(typeof “”);` sings the song of ‘string’.
– Whisper of the Void: `console.log(typeof 0);` murmurs the legend of ‘number’.
– Gathering of the People: `console.log(typeof []);` tells tales of ‘object’.
– Council of the Elders: `console.log(typeof {});` recounts the lore of ‘object’.

🌲 **The Seven Primal Elements**:
The world of JavaScript is nurtured by seven immutable forces: Boolean, Null, Undefined, Number, String, Symbol, and the recent mystic, BigInt. Dancing around them, is the ever-evolving spirit of Object, embodying the mutable, the changeable, the arrays and beyond.

🍁 **A Ritual for Revelation**:
In our digital saga, two beings emerge: `seven` and `three`. What tales do they hold? What essence do they embody? By invoking `console.log()`, and guiding it with `typeof`, we beckon these beings to share their truths.

🌾 **The Enchanted Journey**:
As we meander through the winding paths of JavaScript, it’s these gentle tools, these sacred rites, that ensure our steps resonate with wisdom and clarity. Embrace the art of ‘typeof’, and let the variables unveil their stories.

#JavaScriptMystics #typeofWhispers #DigitalForest #VariableRevelation #CodingRites 🍂🌳🍁🌲🌾

📚 Further expand your web development knowledge:

FreeCodeCamp Series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLktFju7xyBzQi_ybSHMKZgyna2YZAHub5
Javascript Codewars Series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLktFju7xyBzSQq5tnV-qJV5v8cZ7PtO1k

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