
.NET Blazor | Build Expenses Tracker Web app using Blazor Server, SQLite and Syncfusion components.

.NET Blazor | Build Expenses Tracker Web app using Blazor Server, SQLite and Syncfusion components.

Hello friends, welcome, in this video, I will facilitate on creating Expenses Tracker we application using Blazor Server hosting model, SQLite for database and Syncfusion components.

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/*Syncfusion Documentations*/
Message Component | https://blazor.syncfusion.com/documentation/message/getting-started
DataGrid Component | https://blazor.syncfusion.com/documentation/datagrid/getting-started
Dialog Component | https://blazor.syncfusion.com/documentation/dialog/getting-started
Charts | https://blazor.syncfusion.com/documentation/chart/getting-started

/*Claim Free Syncfusion License*/
https://youtu.be/IhF66IEyv_8 | How to Claim Free Syncfusion Community License Key (Individual) for Syncfusion Components.

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GitHub | https://github.com/Netcode-Hub/BlazorServerExpensesTracker

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0:00:00 Introduction to the projects.
0:06:54 Create a new Blazor project.
0:08:09 Installing packages.
0:10:46 Creating connection string.
0:10:59 Creating context model.
0:12:02 Creating models.
0:13:23 Registering database connection.
0:14:07 Performing Ef migrations.
0:15:09 Creating service with interface and implementation.
0:21:14 Registering service.
0:22:05 Working on the razor components and injecting the services.
1:02:04 Testing application.
1:05:27 Conclusion.

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