
Sentiment Analysis(Text Classification) using CoreML & CreateML in Xcode 15 and IOS17

Sentiment Analysis(Text Classification) using CoreML & CreateML in Xcode 15 and IOS17

This video shows how our sentiment analysis app can be build in Xcode15 and IOS17 when by using CoreML and createML. The machine learning model is generated using text classification in CreateML. After that the model is imported and classified using CoreML in SwiftUI. Also learn Artificial Intelligence in IOS | Xcode 15 | iOS 17 | Swift | SwiftUI Xcode 15 | SwiftUI for iOS 17 | Xcode 15 SwiftUI| IOS development|App development.

#programmingwithapurpose #swiftuitutorial #swiftuideveloper #iosdevelopment #videoprocessing #machinelearning #artificialintelligence #machinelearningswift #swiftui

Idea/Code inspiration : https://techvidvan.com/tutorials/swift-sentiment-analysis-app/
DataSet : https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/yasserh/twitter-tweets-sentiment-dataset/code
Emoji Unicode : https://unicode.org/emoji/charts/full-emoji-list.html

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