
How to Install WordPress on AWS | AWS EC2 WordPress Tutorial

How to Install WordPress on AWS | AWS EC2 WordPress Tutorial

This tutorial will show you how to install WordPress on AWS EC2 Instance in 5 minutes. Although the video is 25 minutes long the actual procedure takes less than 5 minutes.

This video explains how to setup wordpress on AWS EC2 instance.
It covers following topics:
1. Configuring and launching EC2 instance
2. Install Apache, PHP and MySQL
3. Setup MySQL DB for Wordpress
4. Download and configure Wordpress

Bash script for hassle free installations:

yum update -y
yum install httpd
yum install php php-mysql -y
yum install mysql-server -y
service httpd start
service mysqld start
mysqladmin -uroot create mydb
cd /var/www/html
wget http://wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz
tar -xzf latest.tar.gz
mv wordpress/ testwordpress
cd testwordpress
mv wp-config-sample.php wp-config.php

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