
#02 (Practical) Exception Handling in JSP with Arithmetic Operations | Error Page

#02 (Practical) Exception Handling in JSP with Arithmetic Operations | Error Page

#jsp #ajt #ajp #advancejava #advancejavaprogramming #advancejavatechnology #netbeans #exceptionhandlinginjava #exceptionhandlinginjsp #jsp #errorpage #jsperrorpage #jsparithmeticoperations #iserrorpage #rkkeynotes #profravikumarnaratajan #universitylecture #university

Perform exception handling using JSP.
a) Create a JSP page to get input as two numbers a and b from user.
b) Provide buttons for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division on
the same page.
c) Create a JSP page for performing all the operations and displaying the result.
d) Create an exception handling JSP page for handling any exceptions.

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