
#Postgresql: Creating a table faster than you think PostgreSQL #Database #SQL #youtube

#Postgresql: Creating a table faster than you think PostgreSQL #Database #SQL #youtube

✌ Quick YouTube links to access Postgresql lessons for the beginners.

✏ https://youtu.be/_WKEkzOJVE8
✏ https://youtu.be/0bsKl9Z7Ua8
✏ https://youtu.be/_WKEkzOJVE8
✏ https://youtu.be/hXxPMrV4Frg

✌ Key characteristics of PostgreSQL include:

💢 ACID Compliance: PostgreSQL ensures data integrity by following the ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) properties, making it suitable for critical applications.

💢 Extensibility: It supports the creation of custom functions, data types, and operators, allowing developers to add new features or functionalities.

💢 Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC): This enables multiple transactions to occur concurrently without interfering with each other, improving performance in high-traffic environments.

💢 Advanced Data Types: PostgreSQL offers a wide range of data types, including native support for JSON, XML, and geospatial data.

💢 Full Text Search: It provides advanced text search capabilities, making it suitable for applications like content management systems.

💢 Triggers and Stored Procedures: PostgreSQL supports triggers and stored procedures, allowing for complex business logic to be implemented directly in the database.

💢 Replication and High Availability: It offers various replication methods for data redundancy and high availability, ensuring that databases remain accessible in case of failures.

💢 Scalability: PostgreSQL can handle large volumes of data and has support for partitioning to distribute data across multiple servers.

💢 Security: It provides robust security features, including role-based access control, SSL encryption, and password protection.

💢 Community and Ecosystem: PostgreSQL has a large and active community, which contributes to ongoing development, support, and the availability of a wide range of extensions.

💢 Overall, PostgreSQL is a versatile database system suitable for a wide range of applications, from small-scale projects to enterprise-level solutions, and it is widely used in industries ranging from finance and healthcare to web applications and analytics.

✌ Top most skills needed in todays time:

✅ HTML and CSS

✅ JavaScript: JS, React, jQuery, Vue
Backend: Python, SQL, MySQL, PHP, Java, C, C++, C#, R, Kotlin, Django, PostgreSQL, TypeScript,
Git,Go,MondoDB and AWS Cloud

✅ Data Analytics: Numpy, Pandas, SciPy, Excel

These skills can vary depending on the specific industry or field you’re interested in, but possessing a combination of these abilities will generally make you more competitive and adaptable in today’s job market. Keep in mind that ongoing learning and staying updated with industry trends are also crucial for staying “industry-ready” in the long term.

✌ Hashtags:

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