
Azure Bitcoin Mining Tutorial Using Minergate

Azure Bitcoin Mining Tutorial Using Minergate

Today I will show you the easiest way to test and start mining cryptocurrency at home, I will use a software called Minergate which I think is a very easy-to-use software and anyone can use To Mine Cryptocurrency At Home.

Minergate lets you mine: Bitcoin, Bitcoin-Gold, Ethereum, Bytecoins, Monero, DigitalNote, QuazarCoin, Fantomcoin, MonetaVerde, Aeon coin, Dashcoin, Infinium-8

Here is the script for your Virtual Machine:

1) Run this command to install MG-CLI:
sudo apt-get update && wget https://minergate.com/download/deb-cli -O minergate-cli.deb && sudo dpkg -i minergate-cli.deb

2) To start miner (4 cores for BCN) use this command:
minergate-cli -user “YOUR@EMAIL.KAPPA” -bcn 4

#Cryptocurrency #Minergate #CryptoMining

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