
Fractional Marketing for Web3 startups with Arthur G Lee, @TheStartupVoyage

Fractional Marketing for Web3 startups with Arthur G Lee, @TheStartupVoyage

You’ll barely find a Web3 startup whose founder would be completely satisfied with his marketing. Marketing is a sort of lifestyle, and if you have no ability (or wish, which is also true) to live such a kind of lifestyle (happy those founders who natively are!), you have to hire someone who would be able to.

Fractional marketing could be a solution in the rapidly growing Web3 space (which still requires trust although it is conceived as trustless). Arthur G Lee, the host of TheStartupVoyage podcast and Web3 marketing boutique (https://www.thestartupvoyage.com/), joined our podcast to clarify the marketing approach he suggests, and we as experienced podcasters produced a valuable conversation for everyone who is involved in Web3 marketing, enjoy:

00:00 opening remarks
01:25 why Arthur added Web3 to his career
03:30 what is the most exciting thing in Web3
07:30 main difference between Web2 and Web3 marketing
13:20 three marketing challenges that almost every Web3 project faces
22:20 is podcasting still good for Web3 marketing
26:25 how is Arthur learning to improve his services (@Bankless is mentioned)
29:55 what is fractional marketing as a service
33:00 role of a Web3 influencer
37:10 how to allocate time between offline events and online marketing
42:45 how to start working with Arthur
44:30 closing remarks

Books mentioned:
“Web3 Marketing: A Handbook for the Next Internet Revolution” by Amanda Cassatt: https://bit.ly/3sZoPTP
“Self-Sovereign Identity: Decentralized digital identity and verifiable credentials” by Alex Preukschat & Drummond Reed: https://bit.ly/3PN8ACh
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