How To Verify Domain Webmaster Tools & Set Preferred Domain

How To Verify Domain Webmaster Tools & Set Preferred Domain

How To Verify Domain Webmaster Tools & Set Preferred Domain Verifying a domain with Webmaster Tools is easy when you know how, but if you’ve never done this before it can be confusing. Should you upload the HTML file, add the META data to site etc.

This video covers how to verify a domain with webmaster tools using two different methods, uploading HTML file via FTP and editing a blog header.php file and inserting the META code.

I created this video for members of Wealthy Affiliate, but I’ve decided to add to my Youtube channel as it will help others hopefully.

At the end of the video I also show you how to set a preferred domain, this is something many people can’t figure out due to the poor instructions inside webmaster tools dashboard.

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