
Calling Python in PHP

Calling Python in PHP

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title: calling python in php: a step-by-step tutorial with code examples
combining the power of python and php can be a powerful toolset for web development and automation tasks. in this tutorial, we will walk you through the process of calling python scripts from php, enabling you to leverage the strengths of both languages in your projects.
start by creating a python script that you want to call from php. for this tutorial, let’s create a simple python script named hello.py that prints a message.
next, create a php script that will execute the python script. you can use php’s shell_exec() function to run shell commands, including python scripts.
in this example, we use the shell_exec() function to execute the hello.py script using the python command. the output of the python script is captured and displayed in the php script.
place both the python script (hello.py) and the php script in the same directory on your web server. then, navigate to the php script in your web browser or run it using the php command-line interpreter.
if everything is set up correctly, you should see the output of the python script displayed on the web page or in the terminal, depending on how you executed the php script.
you can also pass parameters from php to python scripts. modify your php script as follows:
in the updated php script, we pass a parameter (e.g., “world”) to the python script. modify your python script to accept and use this parameter:
this will allow you to customize the output of the python script based on the parameter passed from php.
calling python scripts from php can be a powerful way to extend your web applications and automate tasks. in this tutorial, you learned how to create a simple integration between php and python, execute python scripts, and pass parameters between the two languages. with these concepts in hand, you can explore more advanced use cases and create dynamic and versatile web applications.

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