
What Changed My Mind About The Next Weapon In New World!

What Changed My Mind About The Next Weapon In New World!

The next weapon in New World has been confirmed by the devs to be a Focus weapon that will primarily be used for healing or supporting. So far, most of the speculation is either towards the Celestial Gauntlet or potentially a one-handed Mace, both of which were present at some point during the alpha or beta of the game.

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The Celestial Gauntlet was originally the first healing weapon in New World and its abilities were mostly transferred to the Life Staff, which was the first healing weapon to be available on launch instead. But back then, most of the abilities, except Healing Wave which is now Sacred Ground, were very different. Supportive abilities included Holy Shield, a projectile block and Touch of Life, which was later Divine Embrace but with a very different function. But the weapon also had a much more aggressive skill tree, which included Siphon, a health and mana steal/drain, Speed of Light, an extremely fast dash and Smite, a damaging AoE. There’s a very good chance that some variations of some of these abilities may make a return with the future weapon since some of the mechanics are mostly unused so far, but very potent and fun. However, while I originally believed the Celestial Gauntlet would simply return, I now think the Mace is a much more likely contender for a variety of reasons.

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02:11 – More likely option & why
04:05 – On the Spellbook and other options
06:21 – Does this still match with NW’s current direction/team?
07:36 – Ele Aversion vs Shirking Fort 2.0

Sources: New World Database: https://nwdb.info/

#NewWorld #Focus #Weapon

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Paul Leonard-Morgan – Bells of Laguna Bend

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