Polling vs WebSockets vs Socket.IO (Simple Explanation) – Chat App Part11

Polling vs WebSockets vs Socket.IO (Simple Explanation) – Chat App Part11

Polling vs WebSockets vs Socket.IO (Simple Explanation) - Chat App Part11

In this video we will go through the difference between HTTP short polling, long polling and WebSockets. We will then look at Socket.IO and see how is it related to short polling, long polling and WebSockets. Finally, we will briefly talk about Flask-SocketIO. This is part 11 of the 13 part video series on creating a chat application.

Download source file: https://github.com/sandeepsudhakaran/rchat-app
Live link to final chat app: https://rchat-app.herokuapp.com/

Links referenced in this video:
Flask-SocketIO: https://flask-socketio.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
WebSocket compatibility: https://caniuse.com/#search=Websocket

Videos in this series:
Part 0. Intro video: https://youtu.be/pvUUidK1zuw
Part 1. Setup virtual environment, Heroku & PostgreSQL: https://youtu.be/eNZ8ZS88F4M
Part 2. Create basic Flask app: https://youtu.be/wO7a7R5GGA8
Part 3 . Add a basic form to the page using WTForms: https://youtu.be/EpJRJsmqnn0
Part 4. Cleaner code with WTForms Macros: https://youtu.be/HY0le1NAczc
Part 5. Use SQLAlchemy and Flask-SQLAlchemy to connect form to PostgreSQL database: https://youtu.be/7EeAZx78P2U
Part 6. Custom validator for WTForms/Flask-WTF: https://youtu.be/TZvb1Wurj7w
Part 7: Create a login page: https://youtu.be/DbAKzi0kR80
Part 8: Hashing with PBKDF2 / Passlib: https://youtu.be/U7FaYdxZLA4
Part 9. Session management with Flask-Login: https://youtu.be/rrIdQJSKiP4
Part 10. Use Flask’s message flashing: https://youtu.be/wQXSDwCgXIQ
Part 11. Introduction to Polling, WebSocket & Socket.IO: This video
Part 12. Use Flask-SocketIO to create app: https://youtu.be/zQDzNNt6xd4
Part 13. Deploy Flask app in Heroku: https://youtu.be/FWU_tJqr1Po