
My Automated Handbrake Video Conversion Batch File Script

My Automated Handbrake Video Conversion Batch File Script

How my automated Handbrake batch file works for transcoding all my original RAW video files using the RTX2060 GPU in H.265 format.
I’m using this to transcode 10’s of thousands of raw camera video files.

@echo off

REM Loop through each argument (dragged item)
if “%~1″==”” goto end

REM Create a directory for the current item
mkdir “D:videotemp%~n1”

FOR /F “tokens=*” %%G IN (‘DIR “%~1” /B /S /A:-d’) do (
FOR /F “tokens=*” %%H IN (‘DIR “%%G” /B /A:-d’) do (
“C:Program FilesHandbrakeHandBrakeCLI” -i “%%G” –optimize -o “D:videotemp%~n1%%~nH.mp4” -e nvenc_h265 -q 26 –cfr –aencoder av_aac –verbose=1

REM Shift arguments to process the next item
goto loop



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