
U3DSBVRGE 2023.09.16 04:09 UE5. SQLite ORM subsystem. Plugin, Prototype.

U3DSBVRGE 2023.09.16 04:09 UE5. SQLite ORM subsystem. Plugin, Prototype.

How it’s possible: I cant find any ORM DB plugin for Unreal Engine.
So I decided to write my own implementation.
Today it’s just a prototype with two functions implemented: Create table and Drop table.
Almost two weeks I was busy with learning C++ for Unreal Engine, how to compile, how to write plugins, subsystems, C++ unreal Reflection, ORM deep understandings.
Do you know anybody who can do that in two weeks?!
Also I was busy with some sort of video editing study so present you restyling and one of my new intro for videos.

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