Big Data Tutorial: MySQL Edition (Big Data Parameters for MySQL) #shorts

Big Data Tutorial: MySQL Edition (Big Data Parameters for MySQL) #shorts

Big Data Tutorial: MySQL Edition (Big Data Parameters for MySQL) #shorts

In this MySQL tutorial we’ll walk you through how you can deal with big data on MySQL. Contrary to a popular belief, big data projects can also be run on relational database management systems such as MySQL or its brothers and sisters such as Percona Server and MariaDB and this short sql tutorial will teach you everything you need to know!
“Can you use MySQL as a big data engineer?” may be one of the sql interview questions you get once you are about to get employed, so make sure to memorize that the answer is “definitely yes.”

Take any SQL course, run some basic sql queries and you will surely know that MySQL is one of the primary relational database management systems to deal with your data no matter if you’re a junior developer just learning sql basics or a senior developer and a seasoned DBA.

If you want to optimize your database for big data, you should take a look into multiple parameters:
1) secure_file_priv – this mysql server parameter depicts from what directory files can be loaded into your database instance when big data-related queries such as LOAD DATA INFILE are being run.
2) default-storage-engine – set this parameter to InnoDB or XtraDB (Percona XtraDB is a storage engine that’s essentially the same as InnoDB, but “”buffed.””)
3) innodb-data-file-path – this parameter defines the file path in which the ibdata1 file (the most important file in the whole MySQL infrastructure) is stored.
4) innodb-buffer-pool-size – set this parameter to 60-80% of available RAM (leave some RAM for the processes running in your OS as well.)
5) innodb-log-file-size – set this parameter to anything not bigger than necessary. Recommended values range around 25% of the buffer pool size.
6) innodb-log-buffer-size – this value should be set somewhere in between 1MB and 8MB.
7) innodb-file-per-table – this value should be left at 1 (the main MySQL storage engine – InnoDB – will create tables in the form of files.)
8) innodbflush-log-at-trx-commit – this parameter has three possible values: 0, 1 (default), and 2. It’s recommended to leave this parameter at its default value (1) because that way ACID compliance will be ensured. If you set the value to 0 or 2 you’ll sacrifice ACID compliance in return for speed.
9) innodb-flush-method – set this parameter to “O_DIRECT” to avoid the OS cache (the value is only available on Linux servers and on Windows should be left at “normal.”)
10) innodb-lock-wait-timeout – the length of time in seconds an InnoDB transaction waits for a row lock before giving up. Adjust as necessary.

Leave a like if you want to see an in-depth big data course or a big data tutorial to help you better understand your big data projects, and until next time. Would you want us to make a MySQL course or other in-depth MySQL tutorial? Let us know in the comment section below!

Those who are interested more about their database performance with a SQL index should watch the video we’ve made earlier on titled sql indexes explained:

We’ve also made other videos about database performance issues, database performance tuning, and database performance testing.
One of our videos about database performance monitoring can be found here:
A video depicting database slowness reasons and quickly explaining how to overcome database slowness can be found here:
secure-file-priv MySQL video:

We’re certain you’ll find these videos useful – enjoy!

#database #shorts #reels #mysql #webdevelopment #developer