4. Top 20 Linux Commands for Beginners |Top 20 Commands in Linux|Linux Commands for Beginners[Hindi]

This is the 4th video of short course “Linux Commands for Beginners”.In this lecture, I will explain the top 20 commands for the beginners and in the future video, you will get details lectures for all command.

Top 20 Linux Commands for Beginners
Top 20 Commands in Linux
Linux Commands for Beginners

1. Complete lectures of Linux commands tutorials in Hindi:


2. Complete lectures of C language tutorials in Hindi:


3. Complete lectures of HTML tutorials in Hindi:


4. JavaScript Interview Questions and Answers in Hindi:


5. Software Engineering in Hindi:


6. Object-Oriented Programming Concepts in Hindi:


7. Computer Basics in Hindi:


8. Computer Awareness in Hindi:


9. Number Systems in Hindi:


Computer Science Gurukul channel is a step towards computer science education to spread its importance among students, professional and technology enthusiastic people. This channel will always work to provide pure computer science knowledge in the Hindi language. The goal of this channel is to help “No-Degree Software Professional” and Kids programmer.

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