
Multi Language Database Design in MySQL (SQL Tutorial)

Multi Language Database Design in MySQL (SQL Tutorial)

In this short mysql tutorial we’ll briefly walk you through multi language database design in MySQL.

If you want to get into multi language database design, keep in mind a couple of core points:
There are 3 approaches you can take to design a multi language database.

1) Column-based approach to multi language database design in mysql: a column-based approach to multi language database design is an approach where each table has columns that define the translations of a string.
2) Row-based approach to multi language database design: such an approach is in place if you have one row for each language identified by a primary key.
3) Translation table-based approach to database design: you can take a translation table approach where you translate certain areas or products of an application in a table relevant to that area or product.


Do you want us to make a sql subquery tutorial with examples? Tell us in the comment section below!

Here are some mysql faqs with answers should you ever need those sql interview questions and answers for your next sql interview:

Q: What multi language database design approach should I take? Which DBMS does this technique work with?
A: We recommend you take the row-based approach to multi language database design. This technique works with MySQL, MariaDB, Percona Server, or any other DBMS.

Q: How to protect against SQL injection?
A: Don’t pass user input into a SQL query. You really don’t need to pass a mysql advanced tutorial to know this – it’s that simple!

Q: What types of SQL indexes exist?
A: There are B-Tree indexes, R-Tree indexes, hash indexes, covering indexes, clustered indexes, multicolumn or composite SQL indexes, and prefix indexes.

Q: What is the most popular type of a mysql index?
A: A B-tree sql index is the most popular type of a mysql index.

Q: What is the file to adjust mysql server configuration?
A: The mysql my.cnf file on Linux or the mysql my.ini file on Windows is what you should look into. If needed, we’ll make a separate mysql tutorial for beginners on how it works. A mysql tutorial covering which storage engine – myisam vs innodb – to choose is available here: https://youtube.com/shorts/MpVWcYsJqn4

Q: Is there a sql full course or any mysql tutorial that would cover mysql storage engines in more detail in all complex aspects?
A: Not that we know of, but if needed, we’ll make a sql course talking about everything: sql basics, sql queries, sql vs nosql, sql for data analysis, etc.

Q: Is there a big data tutorial for those looking to work with big data on mysql server?
A: Yes, it’s available here: https://youtube.com/shorts/GurccdgcjL0

Q: I’ve heard that MyISAM performs row level locking?
A: No, that’s a common misconception.

Q: MyISAM vs InnoDB performance – which one is better and why?
A: InnoDB – all of the features that were available in MyISAM are now available in InnoDB.

One of our videos about database performance monitoring can be found here: https://youtube.com/shorts/lyy6VnBMPLU
A video depicting database slowness reasons and quickly explaining how to overcome database slowness can be found here: https://youtube.com/shorts/beLkSf0_Ms4
secure-file-priv MySQL video: https://youtube.com/shorts/nYeD9-lPj_M

If you want to learn more about SQL injection, how can impact your applications and how to protect yourself consider subscribing, and until next time.

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