Toolbox Update and C# Work

Toolbox Update and C# Work

Toolbox Update and C# Work

Another successful day and big updates all around from the 9-7 twitch stream.
00:00:00 – Overview
00:01:52 – Should you BUY the EXE?
00:03:44 – Merging Test to Main
00:06:56 – Testing Branch before merge
00:09:07 – Powershell Prompt
00:09:23 – PR TIME!
00:19:08 – Fixing Tweaks.json
00:25:38 – Adding Programs to Toolbox
00:38:24 – Sysinternal Tools
00:48:47 – WinOneShot Work
00:50:40 – Learning iteration statements – for loops
01:37:12 – SUCCESS – For loop from JSON entries

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