
Markdown to HTML with C# .NET

Markdown to HTML with C# .NET

Using Markdig to convert blog posts written in Markdown to display them as HTML using C# .NET 7.

In this episode, I tackled the ‘Blog’ module. The setup is similar as the ‘Reviews’ module, I covered in previous video.

I’ll briefly cover the extra requirements before I dive into Markdown.

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Source code: https://www.patreon.com/posts/render-markdown-89339988?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link

00:00 Intro
00:30 Changes Reviews Module
01:05 Blog Module
04:31 Markdown
07:38 Markdig
08:25 Demo
12:12 Syntax highlighting
13:03 Plan next feature
14:03 Outro

#markdown #blog #html #csharp #dotnet #css #cleanarchitecture #development #local #web #fullstack #webdevelopment #blazor #wasm #pwa #progressivewebapps #webapp #webassembly #seo #rendering #client #render #server #prerendered #googlesearch #authorization #jwt #bearer #cqrs #mediatr #webapi #cors #http #stateless #modular #components #cssframework #bootstrap #design #mockup #dirtymockup #responsivewebsite

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