
Build A Next.JS Chatbot with Langchain and Upstash Redis

Build A Next.JS Chatbot with Langchain and Upstash Redis

Welcome to this tutorial on building a chatbot using Next.js, LangChain, and Upstash Redis, ShadCN UI, Tailwind and the Vercel AI SDK! In this video, we’ll walk you through the process of creating an AI-powered chatbot that leverages the capabilities with OpenAI’s API with LangChain for natural language processing and Upstash Redis for fast and scalable data storage.

Thank you to Upstash for Sponsoring this Video.

🚀 What you’ll learn:
Setting up a Next.js project with LangChain integration
Implementing chatbot logic using LangChain’s AI capabilities
Storing and managing chatbot data with Upstash Redis

🧠 Why LangChain & Upstash Redis?
LangChain is an advanced language processing platform that enables developers to build intelligent chatbots with ease

📚 Upstash Redis is a serverless data store that provides fast and scalable storage for your chatbot’s data, ensuring smooth and efficient performance

🔧 Prerequisites:
Basic knowledge of Next.js and JavaScript
Familiarity with Redis and natural language processing concepts

📚 Resources:




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