
Parallel Programming in C# | Task Parallel Library in C# | Dot Net Tutorials | Pranaya Rout

Parallel Programming in C# | Task Parallel Library in C# | Dot Net Tutorials | Pranaya Rout

Parallel Programming in C# | Task Parallel Library in C# | Dot Net Tutorials | Pranaya Rout

What is Parallel Programming in C#?
Parallel Programming in C# helps us divide a task into different parts and work those parts simultaneously. An example might be that we have a set of credit cards and want to process them simultaneously. Or, if we have a set of images and want to apply a series of filters to each one, we can do this by taking advantage of parallelism.

The main benefit of parallelism is saving time. Time is saved by maximizing the use of computer resources. The idea is that if the computer allows the use of multi-threading, we can use these threads when we have a task to solve. So, instead of underusing our processor using a single thread, we can use as many threads as possible to speed up the processing of the task.

C# Supports Two Types of Parallelism:
Data Parallelism: In Data Parallelism, we have a collection of values, and we want to use the same operation on each element in the collection. The examples will be to filter the elements of an array in parallel or find the inverse of each matrix in a collection. This means each process does the same work on unique and independent pieces of data.

Task Parallelism: Task Parallelism occurs when we have a set of independent tasks we want to perform in parallel. An example would be if we want to send an email and SMS to a user, we can perform both operations in parallel if they are independent. This means each process performs a different function or executes different independent code sections.

Text Document Links:
Task Parallel Library in C#: https://dotnettutorials.net/lesson/task-parallel-library-overview/
Parallel For Loop in C#: https://dotnettutorials.net/lesson/parallel-for-method-csharp/
Parallel Foreach Loop in C#: https://dotnettutorials.net/lesson/parallel-foreach-method-csharp/
Parallel Invoke in C#: https://dotnettutorials.net/lesson/parallel-invoke-method-csharp/

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