
Sqlite 3 Python Tutorial in 5 minutes – Creating Database, Tables and Querying [2020]

Sqlite 3 Python Tutorial in 5 minutes – Creating Database, Tables and Querying [2020]

Today, we’re going to cover how to create and edit tables within a database using SQLite in Python. In this tutorial, we’ll create a database to manage data about a retail business with a few different locations. We’ll be storing information about each of our retail stores that are located across three different cities. We’ll also create a way to log data about purchases from these stores.

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0:20 – What is SQLite?
0:45 – What uses SQLite
1:10 – Connection to db
2:00 – Create table query
3:00 – Select query
4:05 – Update and Delete

#sqlite #pythontutorials #python

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