How To Create Ubuntu VPS With GUI And RDP Access on Contabo (Cheap VPS Hosting)

How To Create Ubuntu VPS With GUI And RDP Access on Contabo (Cheap VPS Hosting)

How To Create Ubuntu VPS With GUI And RDP Access on Contabo (Cheap VPS Hosting)

In this video, we’re diving deep into creating an Ubuntu 22.04 VPS with GUI Desktop on Contabo. And to top it off, we’ll be connecting to it using RDP.

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Some of the Commands
1. usermod -aG sudo,adm xrdpuser && su xrdpuser
2. sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop firefox stacer mmv -y
3. cd ~ && wget htt:// (add https)
4. unzip && less
5. chmod +x && ./
6. sudo sed -i ‘s/3389/51576/g’ /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini
7. sudo sed -i ‘s/#Port 22/Port 51575/g’ /etc/ssh/sshd_config

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