
Create Social Media Website Using Spring Boot, MySql, Spring Secuirty, Jwt | Java Full Stack Project

Create Social Media Website Using Spring Boot, MySql, Spring Secuirty, Jwt | Java Full Stack Project

Building a Social Media Project Part 2: Advanced Features with Spring Security, JWT, and MySQL

🔗 Source Code (Whole Project) : https://zosacademy.mojo.page/twitter-clone-with-spring-boot-and-react

Full Stack Project With Spring Boot And React

🔗 Ecommerce Website : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7Oro2kvkIzK9X9ctS7bK3VVq0zsEYQsR

🔗 Instagram clone : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7Oro2kvkIzKQ8BLK-IUoq4ELoevYxJ0P

🔗 Whatsapp clone : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7Oro2kvkIzKsDpydQkyO6I60uC0SyDje

🔗 cab booking : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7Oro2kvkIzIoIhVT3L6YWNNmGZ8-lABK

Welcome back to the second installment of our Social Media Project tutorial series! In this video, we’re diving even deeper into the world of web development as we continue to build our feature-rich social media platform using Spring Boot, MySQL, JWT (JSON Web Tokens), and Spring Security.

🔒 User Authentication with Spring Security
Learn how to implement robust user authentication using Spring Security. We’ll explore the fundamental concepts of authentication, user roles, and security configurations to ensure the safety and integrity of our social media application.

🔍 Search Users
Discover how to implement a user search functionality, allowing users to find and connect with friends and followers more easily. We’ll guide you through the process of setting up efficient search algorithms to enhance user experience.

✉️ Create, Retweet, Like, and Reply to Tweets
Unlock the power of social interactions with features like creating tweets, retweeting, liking, and replying to tweets. We’ll walk you through the intricacies of managing tweets and their interactions in our application.

🗑️ Delete Tweets
Learn how to implement tweet deletion functionality, providing users with control over their content. We’ll also cover strategies for maintaining data integrity while removing tweets.

🤝 Follow and Unfollow Users
Implement the core social aspect of our platform by allowing users to follow and unfollow each other. We’ll explore database design and API endpoints for managing user connections.

🔄 Update User Profiles
Guide your users in enhancing their online presence by enabling them to update their profile information. We’ll demonstrate how to manage user profiles efficiently.

🔐 JWT Authentication
Secure your application by implementing JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication. Understand the principles behind JWTs and how to use them for secure user sessions.

By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a solid grasp of advanced web development concepts and a feature-packed social media project that you can further customize and expand. Whether you’re a beginner looking to learn more or an experienced developer looking to implement these features in your own project, this tutorial has something for everyone.

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