U.D.P. Joins NGO Community in Calling for Offshore Oil Referendum

U.D.P. Joins NGO Community in Calling for Offshore Oil Referendum

U.D.P. Joins NGO Community in Calling for Offshore Oil Referendum

Visit youtube.com/gbtvfeed for the live stream of the entire newscast, or visit www.channel5belize.com for a text transcript.

Last Thursday, Senator Janelle Chanona, in her capacity as the Vice President of Oceana in Belize, launched a petition drive to trigger a referendum on offshore oil drilling. On that same day, the Office of the Prime Minister issued a statement clarifying that no such activity is being contemplated by the Government of Belize. Notwithstanding the differing positions taken by the environmental N.G.O. and the BriceƱo administration, Opposition Leader Shyne Barrow has weighed in on the matter, following a press release that was issued earlier today in which the United Democratic Party has indicated that it supports a referendum on offshore oil. .