
How Git Works tutorial in Tamil #github #devops #interview #cloudcomputing #interviewtips

How Git Works tutorial in Tamil #github #devops #interview #cloudcomputing #interviewtips

In this informative video, we’ll demystify Git, the essential tool for version control in software development. We’ll take you on a journey through Git’s fundamental concepts, breaking them down into simple terms even beginners can grasp.

Local Repository: Learn how to kickstart your Git adventure with a local repository right on your computer. We’ll guide you through the steps to initialize a Git repository using the “git init” command.

Working Directory: Discover the working directory, your creative space where you craft, edit, and shape your project’s files. Understand how Git tracks changes at the file level, making your version control precise.

Staging Area (Index): Uncover the secrets of the staging area, the bridge between your working directory and the repository. See how the “git add” command propels your changes from the workspace to the staging area.

Committing Changes: Witness the magic of “git commit” as it transforms staged changes into snapshot-style commits in your local repository. Each commit comes with a unique identifier (hash) and a message.

Merging: Explore how Git masterfully combines branches, merging their diverse development paths into a unified whole. Watch Git’s automated merging at work, with insights into manual resolution when needed.

Remote Repository: Grasp the concept of remote repositories on platforms like GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket. Discover how to sync your local changes with a central repository, using “git push” and “git pull.”

Conclusion: Sum it all up with a recap of Git’s core principles. We’ll encourage you to embark on your own Git journey, practicing and exploring this essential tool to become a proficient developer.

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