
How to Connect Android to Linux Terminal Using SSH

How to Connect Android to Linux Terminal Using SSH

In this step-by-step tutorial, you’ll learn how to establish a secure SSH connection between your Android device and a Linux terminal. SSH (Secure Shell) is a powerful tool for remotely accessing and managing your Linux system from your Android phone or tablet.

Note: I have assumed you should have ssh installed on your Kali Linux, but if you want to try it on other Linux distro, and SSH is not installed on that distro, follow the below steps:
1. Install SSH server:
sudo (package manager) install openssh-server
2. Then, Start SSH Service:
sudo systemctl start ssh
3. Next, Enable SSH Service:
sudo systemctl enable ssh
4. If you have a firewall active on your system, make sure it allows SSH traffic on port 22:
sudo ufw allow 22/tcp

Topics Covered in this Tutorial:
Preparing your Linux system for SSH access.
Setting up your Android device for SSH connections.
Establishing a secure SSH connection.
Using SSH commands to execute tasks on your Linux terminal from your Android device.

Whether you’re a developer, sysadmin, or just a Linux enthusiast, this tutorial will help you harness the power of SSH to manage your Linux system on the go. Stay connected, stay in control!

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