
Build ChatGPT 3.0 With Next Js, React Js, OpenAI and Web3.0

Build ChatGPT 3.0 With Next Js, React Js, OpenAI and Web3.0

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Build ChatGPT 3.0 With Next Js, React Js, OpenAI and Web3.0

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, the fusion of cutting-edge technologies can yield remarkable results. Imagine creating a ChatGPT 3.0-powered chatbot that seamlessly integrates Next.js, React.js, OpenAI, and the power of Web 3.0. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of building your very own intelligent chatbot using these advanced tools.


Introduction: 00:00:00
Starter File: 00:07:01
Global CSS: 00:14:53
Smart Contract. 00:19:55
Deploy Script 00:34:47
Deploy Contract 00:37:11
Context Index js 00:41:24
APIFeatures 00:47:55
Context Coding 00:52:27
OpenAI 01:18:07
Backend Server 01:31:42
Chat Page 1 01:41:08
Chat Page 2 02:38:48
Live Testing 03:29:53
Landing Page 03:47:51
Login/SignUp 04:54:19

Next.js and React.js: Next.js provides server-side rendering, routing, and optimized performance, while React.js powers the dynamic and interactive user interface.

OpenAI’s GPT-3.0: OpenAI’s GPT-3.0 is at the heart of the chatbot’s intelligence, allowing it to generate human-like responses to user inputs.

Web 3.0: Web 3.0, also known as the decentralized web, introduces features like blockchain and decentralized storage, enhancing the chatbot’s capabilities.

Setting Up Your Development Environment
Install Node.js and npm for your development environment.

Use your terminal to create a new Next.js project: npx create-next-app my-chatbot.

Creating the User Interface with Next.js and React.js
Design the chatbot interface using React components, incorporating UI libraries for styling.

Implement real-time messaging using React state and hooks to manage user interactions.

Harnessing OpenAI’s GPT-3.0 for Natural Language Processing
Sign up for an API key from OpenAI and familiarize yourself with the API documentation.

Utilize the openai npm package to integrate GPT-3.0 into your project.

Structure user inputs as prompts and use the API to generate coherent responses.

Integrating Web 3.0 for Enhanced Interactions
Explore Web 3.0 libraries like Ethereum.js or Web3.js to interact with blockchain networks.

Incorporate decentralized storage solutions like IPFS for storing chat histories securely and transparently.

Testing and Optimization
Thoroughly test your ChatGPT 3.0 chatbot for various user scenarios and edge cases.

Optimize the user experience by fine-tuning response generation and enhancing UI responsiveness.

Deploying Your ChatGPT 3.0 Application
Choose a hosting provider like Vercel or Netlify for deploying your Next.js application.

Configure environment variables to securely store your OpenAI API key.

Ensure that your application is accessible to users and performs well in a production environment.

Save NFT Marketplace PlayList: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWUCKsxdKl0olgEF4OxXVk2B-jwpGqL5d

API PlayList: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWUCKsxdKl0oAFAVuRZxQSYC07UTcl_v_

Solidity PlayList: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWUCKsxdKl0oksYr6IG_wRsaSUySQC0ck

Complete JavaScript Course: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWUCKsxdKl0qROhA0XO4_ek9bIwZ4j4Xr

HTML Course Code: https://www.daulathussain.com/complete-html-course-daulat-hussain/

Best Hosting: https://clients.domainracer.com/aff.php?aff=28826

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