
Nginx Mastery | Getting Started with Nginx | Docker | Docker Compose

Nginx Mastery | Getting Started with Nginx | Docker | Docker Compose

The Nginx Mastery Series.

Introducing Nginx

– [ ] Getting started with Docker and Nginx
– [ ] Pull image from Docker
– [ ] Run Nginx container
– [ ] Docker stop container
– [ ] Verifying your installation
– [ ] Nginx -v
– [ ] Docker top web
– [ ] curl localhost
– [ ] Browser localhost:8080
– [ ] Basic Service management
– [ ] service nginx start
– [ ] service nginx stop
– [ ] Nginx commands
– [ ] -h
– [ ] -v -V
– [ ] -t -T
– [ ] -s signal
– [ ] Nginx default folder /usr/share/nginx/html
– [ ] Docker-compose file – using volumes
– [ ] Serving custom pages – index.html
– [ ] Building a new Nginx image
– [ ] DockerFile

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