
How to change directory using cd command in Redhat Linux, Centos and Ubuntu

How to change directory using cd command in Redhat Linux, Centos and Ubuntu

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awk command ——– https://youtu.be/thrIYURWNpA
Read last line of a file in Linux ——– https://youtu.be/emn9lBHxfTw
process and daemon ——– https://youtu.be/bTP6SD4cyn8
start stop restart reload a service ——– https://youtu.be/N7J5kv6euWM
enable and disable services ——– https://youtu.be/vkA9QzZAR4w
mask and unmask a services ——– https://youtu.be/9Nh1HZieyyM
lsblk command ——– https://youtu.be/Us_A_lzNN0g
add disk and create file system on disk ——– https://youtu.be/aqsu77POMAo
extended file system creation ——– https://youtu.be/AHritJ9lIf0
primary and extended file system explenation ——– https://youtu.be/L3FiEnuisBs
fdisk, mount, mkfs command explanation ——– https://youtu.be/_13NhDF06es
removing disk form OS and VM ——– https://youtu.be/RrQTHDthxFQ
fstab file entry ——– https://youtu.be/aIa4bxUg4PM
fstab file and fields ——– https://youtu.be/PXvNBwDdU2M
fstab and mtab comp ——– https://youtu.be/Itg3IMfZfUA
swap partition ——– https://youtu.be/bjZxo_MqOGc
Swap file ——– https://youtu.be/7x8B8KU4TI0
disk uuild using blkid ——– https://youtu.be/w_JwShrozfY
why hidden file and directory required ——– https://youtu.be/N8c7jWJLVAc
how to reuse history ——– https://youtu.be/N8c7jWJLVAc
why uuid required while mounting disk ——– https://youtu.be/YF9JoTHTujA
disable ctrl+alt+del ——– https://youtu.be/sdihX7PIKUc
soft and hard link ——– https://youtu.be/mc6NJvYpLO4
inodes with cp and mv command ——– https://youtu.be/ikoNjJeY4Ts
Linux welcome message ——– https://youtu.be/0w0sfjLeyCQ
what is rpm? ——– https://youtu.be/r13aSZRsy3M
rpm full with option ——– https://youtu.be/8zwDpisd4G4
how to copy rpm ——– https://youtu.be/1GRh5L99fOI
what is yum ——– https://youtu.be/0rzYYHK7O0k
complete yum command ——– https://youtu.be/4_utJHCnURw
yum history ——– https://youtu.be/0G5MGoAi5vg
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Why linux is better than windows ——– https://youtu.be/bN6vHwDlbAc
Linux in Daily Life ——– https://youtu.be/Y66SWV8xY7w
What is Linux ——– https://youtu.be/cVDliesNURg
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unix and Linux ——– https://youtu.be/YnBkF9iDf4Q
who is using Linux ——– https://youtu.be/-sGE8XHa098
things to remember while using Linux ——– https://youtu.be/giwasIsmXt8
file system structure ——– https://youtu.be/HhVgPv-IhVk
What is LVM ——– https://youtu.be/IyE_8JZ5cPk
how to create pv vg and lv ——– https://youtu.be/l9mjkHbKFHk
pvdisplay and pe le command ——– https://youtu.be/0FiEUZZYt-E
extend file system creation in LVM ——– https://youtu.be/01rNMjMuamQ
LVM Delete process ——– https://youtu.be/VOi9n4BOZ4Q
difference between -l and -L in lvm ——– https://youtu.be/r0YkThcnIjg
how to extend a file system in Linux ——– https://youtu.be/EjQkkpASc9o
how to reduce a file system in Linux ——– https://youtu.be/nBEPl8ne9Nw
how to rename vg and lv in Linux ——– https://youtu.be/zkFG9_Bxdkg
lvm verbose mode command ——– https://youtu.be/MY06gP9jDT8
how to active / deactive a pv in lvm ——– https://youtu.be/vIrFMCpMm_M
vgactive and deactive ——– https://youtu.be/bXcG33OcF54
lvactive and deactive ——– https://youtu.be/Ia6ULg6snec
lvsnapshot create and restore ——– https://youtu.be/V_deWE2n8CY
what is lvm snapshot ——– https://youtu.be/MTjXMFbuTIc
lvm archive ——– https://youtu.be/VcBcxm3cKic
customized reporting of LVM ——– https://youtu.be/mQkwhqZ4IJ4
how to remove a pv from vg ——– https://youtu.be/wHs66vEdCjc
vg export and import ——– https://youtu.be/488YJVhtkio
Linux user auto logout ——– https://youtu.be/bZtpT2POv5s
what is DNS ——– https://youtu.be/WxvzXhZ_b3Y
hosts resolv and nsswitch file in linux ——– https://youtu.be/raDD_fpnQF8
chage command ——– https://youtu.be/6ByoD9ZjN2Y
login.defs ——– https://youtu.be/Kbk2Smsz3Lk
shell with norc options ——– https://youtu.be/ovLZBdUB6OQ
What is current shell ——– https://youtu.be/AS2CCy3_4JU
IP Trace route and telnet command ——– https://youtu.be/Y8fuH0gjgdc
ssh debug ——– https://youtu.be/9BdQkxl2fsk
mtu ——– https://youtu.be/bVfnfKCY8LE
ssh key gen ——– https://youtu.be/DR_FYz5yNSE
sh port change ——– https://youtu.be/EduN47sYqp4
disable root login via ssh ——– https://youtu.be/_2gGT4TjKhw

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