Web3 Loses $1.2 Billion to Hacks and Rug Pulls so far in 2023: Report: Crypto News Today!!!

Web3 Loses $1.2 Billion to Hacks and Rug Pulls so far in 2023: Report: Crypto News Today!!!

Web3 Loses $1.2 Billion to Hacks and Rug Pulls so far in 2023: Report: Crypto News Today!!!

This video provides an overview of a recent report that found that Web3 has lost over $1.2 billion to hacks and rug pulls so far in 2023. The video discusses the different types of attacks that have been happening, as well as some tips on how to protect your crypto from being stolen.
Crypto news today!!!

I hope this is helpful!

#security #hacks #rugpulls #defi #scams #web3 #crypto #blockchaincrypto news todayWeb3.0web 3.0