Golang हिंदी | Looping structures for and for range ( foreach ) ( Hindi )

Golang हिंदी | Looping structures for and for range ( foreach ) ( Hindi )

Golang हिंदी | Looping structures  for and for range ( foreach ) ( Hindi )

Looping structures like for and for range (often referred to as foreach in other programming languages) are fundamental control flow mechanisms used in programming to repeat a set of instructions or operations multiple times. These loops are essential for iterating through data structures, performing repetitive tasks, and automating processes. Here’s a description of both looping structures:

for Loop:
The for loop is a versatile and widely used loop in programming. It allows you to execute a block of code repeatedly as long as a specified condition is met. Here’s the basic structure of a for loop:

for initialization; condition; post {
// Code to be executed repeatedly

initialization: This part is optional and usually used to initialize a loop control variable. It’s executed only once before the loop starts.

condition: This is the test condition. If it evaluates to true, the loop continues to execute. If it evaluates to false, the loop terminates.

post: This part is optional and typically used for updating the loop control variable. It’s executed after each iteration.