
Steam Deck for travel? How good is it really?

Steam Deck for travel? How good is it really?

Check out Call of Cthulu here. https://store.steampowered.com/app/399810/Call_of_Cthulhu/
SD Card I use.
My Noise Canceling Headphones

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Traveling with the steam deck
1) The case is awesome. It’s fantastic and made for travel. It has the lockable clasp for a keeping the zipper closed. This will ensure the steam deck is really hard to get out of the case. The case has this weird outer flap that keeps the charger or any accessories in it but it’s just a flap of elastic. So it’s not super secure for anything other than big things like the charger. I honestly didn’t use that cubby on the case at all.
2) I limited the TPD to 10 watts and used 40hz mode (see previous video for details) and half 65% battery after playing in the airport and then on the plane for over an hour. Elden ring and then Call of Cathulu. The battery life is low on AAA games but the lighter older title played flawlessly and drained hardly any batter.
3) The steam deck is a large but not too large to play however, when you are on those tiny seats the issue I didn’t realize, was that the arm rests on a plane are so low that you cant comfortably rest your elbows on them. This led to a one of 2 problems, either I could have my arms hovering in the air making me uncomfortable from the weight or the deck being so low that my neck got fatigued from tilting my head down so much to see it. Neither was a major problem on a short 2.5 hour flight, but may really bother some people on longer flights.
4) The deck performed incredible and to be playing AAA games on an airplane on a massive 7” screen was amazing. I cant recommend this enough for flying. Elden Ring on a plane!!!????? So badass. Planes have chargers now and honestly you could play this thing infinitely on a plane now. I have plaid this in a hotel, plane and car. It’s the perfect companion for the road.
5) My only complaint is that the case, while incredible, I wish was smaller/thinner for my backpack. Other than that its amazing, AND FREE. Haha.

#steamdeck #steam #travel

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