Red Dead Redemption 2 | Train Heist In 5K | Nvidia 4090 | Intel 13700K

Red Dead Redemption 2 | Train Heist In 5K | Nvidia 4090 | Intel 13700K

Red Dead Redemption 2 | Train Heist In 5K | Nvidia 4090 | Intel 13700K

In this gameplay video you can see the stunning visuals of Rdr2 Train Heist in exquisite details as its rendered in 5K powered by Nvidia 4090 and Intel 13700K, gameplay was recorded in OBS Studio in 5K in AV1 format, downscaled to very high quality 4K HEVC using StaxRip, edited in Final Cut Pro, exported to HEVC and transcoded into AV1 for youtube

Following command was used by my yet to be released tool to convert to high quality AV1 for youtube

ffmpeg.exe -y -hide_banner -loglevel error -i “” -pix_fmt p010le -filter:v “fps=59.94” -progress – -acodec:a aac -b:a 384k -movflags +faststart -vcodec:v av1_nvenc -cq:v 23 -maxrate:v 75M -g:v 59 -bf:v 3 -preset:v p5 -tune:v hq -rc:v vbr -multipass:v 1 -rc-lookahead:v 20 -b_ref_mode:v 2 -highbitdepth:v true “E:OBSAV1RDR2-TrainHeistIn5KRDR2-TrainHeistIn5K-4090-av1.mp4”

Thumbnail was exported frame from Final Cut, with text and overlay images done on Google slides and converted into 1080p jpeg using ImageMagick
