Writing Custom Middlewares in ASP.NET donet Core Every Developer Should Know | HOW TO – Code Samples

Writing Custom Middlewares in ASP.NET donet Core Every Developer Should Know | HOW TO – Code Samples

Writing Custom Middlewares in ASP.NET donet Core Every Developer Should Know | HOW TO - Code Samples

#coding #codingbootcamp #softwaredeveloper


GitHub Repo: https://github.com/slthomason/StartupHakk/tree/main/65_Custom_Middleware_in_ASPNETCORE

One of the key features of ASP.NET Core is its middleware pipeline, which allows you to easily add custom behavior to the request processing pipeline. Middleware components in ASP.NET Core are classes that implement the IMiddleware interface or use the Use extension method or creating custom class and inject RequestDelegate. They are executed in order as the request moves through the pipeline, allowing you to add custom behavior at any point in the pipeline.
In this video, we’ll explore how to create a custom middleware component in ASP.NET Core, and some common use cases for middleware.

Common Use Cases for Middleware
Middleware components in ASP.NET Core can be used for a wide variety of tasks. Here are some common use cases for middleware:

1. Authentication and Authorization: Middleware components can implement authentication and authorization logic to ensure that requests are coming from authenticated and authorized users.

2. Request and Response Manipulation: Middleware components can modify the incoming request or the outgoing response to implement custom behavior. For example, middleware components can add or remove headers, modify the HTTP status code, or add data to the response body.

3. Exception Handling: Middleware components can handle exceptions that occur during request processing. This can include logging the exception and returning an appropriate response to the client.

4. Content Compression: Middleware components can compress the response content to reduce the size of the response and improve performance.

5. Caching: Middleware components can cache responses to improve performance and reduce load on the server.

These are just a few examples of the tasks that middleware components can be used for. Middleware components can be combined in any order to implement custom behavior for your ASP.NET Core application.

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