
Day-9 | Git and GitHub | What is GIT ? | What is Version Control ? | #devops #2023 #github #gitlab

Day-9 | Git and GitHub | What is GIT ? | What is Version Control ? | #devops #2023 #github #gitlab

Hi Everyone, Today is Day 9 of Free DevOps course and I am here with a very exciting content.

In this class I walk you through Git and Github. We will understand the concept of Version Controlling, Why is GitHub very popular and much more.

The script will allow users to retrieve information from GitHub by talking its API, script can be modified to work with any other applications like JIRA, GITLAB and others.

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About me:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/abhishek-veeramalla-77b33996/
GitHub: https://github.com/iam-veeramalla
Medium: https://abhishekveeramalla-av.medium.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnnQ3ybuyFdzvgv2Ky5jnAA?app=desktop

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