
LabVIEW code: UDP client-server (walk-through)

LabVIEW code: UDP client-server (walk-through)

Developer walk-through for the “rt_udp-client-server” LabVIEW project available for download at https://learn-cf.ni.com/teach/riodevguide/code/rt_udp-client-server.html that covers this topic: “Create a server on the Academic RIO Device that listens for UDP datagram messages from a client running on the PC host, accepts client information including the desired state of the four onboard LEDs, sets the LEDs accordingly, and returns the state of the onboard 3-axis accelerometer and pushbutton.”

See the “RIO Developer Essentials Guide for Academia” available at https://learn-cf.ni.com/teach/riodevguide for more video tutorials related to programming, architecting, and networking with LabVIEW and NI Academic RIO products. .

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