Domaine Guiberteau: A Remarkable Slice of French History

Domaine Guiberteau: A Remarkable Slice of French History

Domaine Guiberteau: A Remarkable Slice of French History

Domaine Guiberteau has been a family-owned vineyard in France for generations. Founded by Robert Guiberteau’s grandfather at the end of the 19th century, the vineyard has seen many changes and challenges over the years. Robert’s father was a dynamic winemaker, producing Rosé and acquiring the first tractor in the area. However, he was also a prisoner for five years during World War II. When he returned, he turned the vineyard into a more complex operation, acquiring land in Brézé and becoming one of the founders of the Cave Cooperative. After his retirement in 1975, the vineyard was maintained by a contracting farmer for 20 years until Robert’s son, Romain Guiberteau, decided to resurrect the vineyard while he was in law school. Today, Domaine Guiberteau produces exceptional white wines from its Brézé vineyards, and continues to honor its rich family history and winemaking traditions.

Imported and distributed in Illinois by Candid Wines: