How to setup and install Laravel using Docker?

How to setup and install Laravel using Docker?

How to setup and install Laravel using Docker?

In this video tutorial, I explained the process of installing and setting up Laravel with Docker on a Mac OS machine. Laravel is a web application framework known for its elegant syntax and powerful features, while Docker is a tool that allows for the easy management and running of applications in isolated containers.

The tutorial begins by discussing the installation of Docker desktop on the Mac OS machine, which provides a user-friendly interface to manage containers. The speaker mentions downloading Docker from the official website and demonstrates that Docker is already installed and running on their computer.

Next, the tutorial discusses creating a new Laravel project using Laravel Sail, a built-in solution that simplifies running Laravel applications with Docker. I provided a command to execute in the terminal to set up a new Laravel project with Docker using Laravel Sail.

After the project has been created, the tutorial instructs navigating to the application directory either using the terminal or directly opening it in a code editor like VS Code.

The tutorial then demonstrates starting Laravel Sail using a command in the terminal and resolving a port conflict issue by updating the port in the docker-compose file.

Once the Laravel server is up and running, the tutorial shows accessing the Laravel application in the browser either through the assigned IP or localhost.

The tutorial concludes by highlighting the provisioned services (such as PHP, MySQL, Redis, mail, etc.) for the Laravel application and making a small change in the code to demonstrate real-time updates. Finally, the tutorial congratulates the viewer on successfully installing and setting up Laravel with Docker on their Mac OS machine, enabling them to start building web applications using the Laravel framework.


00:00 – Introduction
01:05 – Installing Docker Desktop on Mac OS
03:45 – Creating a Laravel project with Laravel Sail
05:10 – Starting Laravel Sail
07:00 – Accessing the Laravel application in the browser
08:15 – Making changes and seeing updates with Docker
09:25 – Conclusion and final thoughts

#laravel #docker #webdevelopment

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