
C++ Full Course for free ⚡️

C++ Full Course for free ⚡️

C++ tutorial for beginners

This video serves as an introduction to the C++ programming language
C++ is a beast of a language. We’re only scratching the surface.

⭐️Time Stamps⭐️
1# (00:00:00) C++ tutorial for beginners 👨‍💻
2# (00:13:30) Variables and basic data types ✗
3# (00:24:14) Const 🚫
4# (00:27:37) Namespaces 📛
5# (00:32:13) Typedef and type aliases 🙋‍♂️
6# (00:37:39) Arithmetic operators 🧮
7# (00:43:18) Type conversion ✨
8# (00:47:05) User input ⌨️
9# (00:52:35) Useful math related functions🔢
10# (00:56:03) Hypotenuse calculator practice program 📐
11# (00:58:44) If statements 🤔
12# (01:03:40) Switches 🔀
13# (01:09:29) Console calculator program 🖩
14# (01:14:13) Ternary operator ❓
15# (01:18:53) Logical operators 🔣
16# (01:23:55) Temperature conversion program 🌡️
17# (01:29:17) Useful string methods in C++ 〰️
18# (01:35:51) While loops ♾️
19# (01:38:56) Do while loops 🔃
20# (01:42:15) For loops 🔂
21# (01:45:53) Break & continue 💔
22# (01:47:34) Nested loops ➿
23# (01:51:51) Random number generator 🎲
24# (01:55:25) Random event generator 🎁
25# (01:59:05) Number guessing game ↕️
26# (02:03:10) User defined functions 📞
27# (02:10:33) Return keyword 🔙
28# (02:16:42) Overloaded functions 🍕
29# (02:19:49) Variable scope 🌎
30# (02:24:11) Banking practice program 💰
31# (02:38:04) ROCK PAPER SCISSORS game 👊
32# (02:51:11) Arrays 🚗
33# (02:56:40) Sizeof() operator ⚖️
34# (03:01:34) Iterate over an array 🗃️
35# (03:05:40) Foreach loop 🗂️
36# (03:08:36) Pass array to a function 💵
37# (03:13:07) Search an array for an element 🔎
38# (03:20:43) Sort an array ➡️
39# (03:26:37) Fill() function 🍔
40# (03:31:19) Fill an array with user input 🌭
41# (03:38:17) Multidimensional arrays ⬜
42# (03:45:57) QUIZ GAME 💯
43# (03:57:42) Memory addresses 🏠
44# (04:00:31) Pass by VALUE vs pass by REFERENCE 📧
45# (04:04:47) Const parameters 🧱
46# (04:07:54) Credit card validator program 💳
47# (04:17:56) Pointers 👈
48# (04:23:12) Null pointers ⛔
49# (04:27:17) TIC TAC TOE game ⭕
50# (04:46:26) Dynamic memory 🧠
51# (04:52:15) Recursion 😵
52# (04:58:35) Function templates 🍪
53# (05:03:49) Structs 🏗️
54# (05:08:49) Pass structs as arguments 🚚
55# (05:14:17) Enums 📅
56# (05:18:38) Object Oriented Programming 🧍
57# (05:29:32) Constructors 👷
58# (05:38:26) Constructor overloading 👨‍🍳
59# (05:42:51) Getters & setters 🔒
60# (05:48:59) Inheritance 👩‍👧‍👦

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