
Auto-Clustering, scaling of MariaDB in Jelastic PaaS – Ruslan Synytsky – MariaDB HA MiniFest 2021

Auto-Clustering, scaling of MariaDB in Jelastic PaaS – Ruslan Synytsky – MariaDB HA MiniFest 2021

Availability and performance have a direct business impact for most of the companies nowadays. No one wants to lose money because of occasional downtime or data loss. Thus, to minimize the risk and ensure an extra level of redundancy, clustering and automatic scaling should be used. In this session Ruslan Synytsky, CEO and co-founder of Jelastic, presents how Jelastic PaaS implemented auto-clustering of MariaDB by providing the customers with different replication options out-of-box with no need in manual configurations.

It also details how to automate vertical and horizontal scaling of databases running in the cloud.


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