
Using Git with Visual Studio Code (Official Beginner Tutorial)

Using Git with Visual Studio Code (Official Beginner Tutorial)

A brief/compact intro to #Git & #GitHub made easy with #VisualStudioCode
0:00 Intro
0:35 Initialize repository
0:55 Rename branch
1:25 Staging files
2:00 Committing files
2:10 Create new branch
2:40 Gutter overview
3:30 Comparing files / inline view
4:30 Merging branches
5:00 Publish to Github
6:00 Clone repository
6:20 Summary

Download Git: https://git-scm.com/downloads

More on #SourceControl #VisualStudioCode & #Git at https://aka.ms/vsc-git
See other #intro #tutorials at https://aka.ms/VSCodeIntroPlaylist
Also see #VSCode #TikToks at https://www.tiktok.com/@vscode

#git #github #vscode

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