
Debian.Debian 11.5.Debian 11.5 bullseye.Debian 11.5 review.Debian 2022.

Debian.Debian 11.5.Debian 11.5 bullseye.Debian 11.5 review.Debian 2022.

Debian.Debian 11.5.Debian 11.5 bullseye.Debian 11.5 review.Debian 2022.
Debian, formerly called Debian GNU/Linux and today just Debian, is an operating system composed entirely of free software and officially maintained by the Debian Project. The project also receives support from other individuals and organizations around the world. The group distributes Unix-like cores such as Debian GNU/kFreeBSD and Debian GNU/Hurd. Debian is especially known for its package management system, called APT, which allows relatively easy upgrades from previous versions, almost effortless installation of new packages, and clean removal of old packages. The name Debian comes from the names of its founders, Ian Murdock and his wife Debra. The Debian project is supported through donations to the non-profit organization Software in the Public Interest (SPI).
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Debian.Debian 11.5.Debian 11.5 bullseye.Debian 11.5 review.Debian 2022.
Projeto Debian. O projeto recebe, ainda, apoio de outros indivíduos e organizações de todo o mundo. O grupo distribui núcleos Unix-like, como o Debian GNU/kFreeBSD e o Debian GNU/Hurd. O Debian é especialmente conhecido pelo seu sistema de gestão de pacotes, chamado APT, que permite atualizações relativamente fáceis a partir de versões anteriores, a instalação quase sem esforço de novos pacotes e a remoção limpa de pacotes antigos. O nome Debian vem dos nomes dos seus fundadores, Ian Murdock e sua esposa Debra. O projeto Debian é mantido por meio de doações à organização sem fins lucrativos Software in the Public Interest (SPI).
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